A Lead Magnet Recipe for Success
What is a Lead Magnet?
A lead magnet is a free offer that visitors can have in return for their contact information.
It is a powerful tool for your business because it creates awareness that boosts trust for your brand. It can help promote a specific aspect of your business while getting a prospective customer. Not all lead magnets need to be a downloadable PDF. Live webinars or demos are extremely popular right now with a majority of people working from home. Types of lead magnets include a checklist, an ebook, infographics, a guide, a survey, how-tos, or a case study.
Make your lead magnet more attractive by following this recipe for success:
- Make sure it is concise
- That it solves a problem
- Has a useful value proposition
- Easy to follow or integrate
Is Your Lead Magnet Concise?
Brainstorm targeted topics for your industry and clients. Having this concise list will help in the future when you want to develop a lead magnet for your business.
Here at Belt Creative, we use The Ultimate Homepage Checklist as one of our lead magnets. It is an example of an informational document that targets customers that want to get better website performance than they are currently getting. We can then follow-up with a targeted email or marketing incentive.
Does Your Lead Magnet Solve a Problem?
Now that you have a list of concise topics, you can put together problems that you have solved to help your customers. You can prioritize the new list based on impact and need. For instance, we want our customers to double their website leads. If you follow our Ultimate Homepage Checklist you will attract, connect, and convert more visitors to your website into buyers. Who doesn’t want that?
Does Your Lead Magnet Have a Useful Value Proposition?
Now that you have a solid foundation create your lead magnet strategy. Make sure your value proposition is attractive to your current customer base. Does it make more sense to have it as a checklist, a how-to, a case study, or a combination? Our Ultimate Homepage Checklists is useful because it is a comprehensive guide that includes a wireframe website with callouts and a step-by-step checklist to help you immediately generate sales. The value proposition is doubling your website leads when you implement the changes.
Is Your Lead Magnet Easy to Follow and Have a Clear Call-to-Action?
Keep your design simple and straightforward; add supporting graphics, information, on-brand fonts, and images that are on point with your brand. You can create it yourself, hire a designer, use a template platform like Canva, or buy a bundle from designers on Etsy and edit it yourself. Turn your leads into customers by including a call-to-action. A call-to-action can be a button or link where the customer can continue the journey with you.
Your Turn
Create your first Lead Magnet following this successful recipe and attract new customers to your website. Create a targeted and concise marketing incentive that solves your customer's problem. Solving a specific problem for your clients for free will start building a relationship with them, especially if the lead magnet has a useful value proposition and is easy to follow. Include a call to action so customers can get in touch with you, or continue their education with more information about your specific topic.
Download our Ultimate Homepage Checklist
Have you decided you want a lead magnet but don’t want to design it or implement it on your Webflow website? Hire a design and sales expert at Belt Creative.